We digitize.
The future!
Digital agency & software house. Since 1995.
Tailors of the digital transformation
Concept and realisation, from a single hand!
We realise websites, mobile apps, shops, CRM systems, databases, internet-based applications and their integration into corporate IT.
Our customers are companies in Germany, Europe and around the world. Together with them, we rethink their business digitally, develop software for it, operate it and market it.

Services & solutions for every industry
"Big enough to cope, small enough to care"
Our expertise to success
100 software developers, UX designers, marketing experts and online editors: Krankikom has the size and expertise to realise complex visionary digital projects.
At the same time, we remain down-to-earth. We are owner-managed and are committed to our customers, from young start-ups and innovative SMEs to large global corporations, rather than to our profits.

Successfully implementing agile projects
... and thus save valuable time
Many software projects are not completed on time, exceed their budget or even fail. Attempts to avoid this with the help of detailed specifications often result in uninspired products.
We prefer to work in an agile way. This involves starting with roughly formulated goals and then closely involving future users in the further conceptualisation and development. If you manage to inspire them, a project becomes a success.

Meet, learn & get inspired
WestVisions vereint die digitale Community aus dem Ruhrgebiet und darüber hinaus. Das Event richtet sich an all diejenigen, die sich inspirieren, weiterentwickeln und Teil von etwas Größerem sein wollen. Lasst euch inspirieren von internationalen Speakern und vernetzt euch mit Gleichgesinnten aus der ganzen Welt.
At the crossroads between
technology, business, art & society!