Internet of Things / Smart Office
Elementary particle:
Small but Smart

Intelligent networking for a a feel-good atmosphere
Achieving great things with small things - experience has shown that this works best where the things that are supposed to make a difference come together. An approach that also plays a central role in IoT applications. Networking different devices that communicate with each other via a signal brings smart solutions within reach.
Since the company was founded, Krankikom has been pursuing the possibilities of networking different devices and the resulting applications for work and everyday life. This is why, when planning the new office building, the question arose in advance as to what extent a building with different office levels and utilisation areas could be designed smartly without simultaneously forcing an undesirable susceptibility to interference.
The ideas and solutions that emerged here are supported by experience - and yes, some sobering realisations - on the subject of practicability. This is why we can realise products and services for the smart office that are both tried and tested and have been found to make sense.
We offer common solutions such as centrally controlled room ventilation based on measured values or individual lighting according to environmental variables and make car park bookings visible in the company calendar on a digital information board. However, we are just as happy to advise our customers on whether and how their own ideas can be realised.
Smart Office applications and solutions:
Central ventilation control and temperature setting
Charging stations for electric cars with automatic billing function
Weather-dependent control of blinds, shutters and awnings
Opening/closing entrance doors via camera and telephone